Download YieldMax Intraday Trades & ETF Holdings – select date and file type, and click download. Backups are created (and are available) every weekday at 5PM EST.

All backups are made in CSV format (comma-separated values), without modifications.

This tool is helpful if you want to run your own estimates on NAV of a particular YieldMax ETF or estimate monthly/weekly/daily distributions.

NOTE: backups are made at 5:00 PM and 11:15 PM every weekday.

See the performance of all YieldMax ETFs, including dividends, price appreciation, and TTM total returns with & without DRIP (dividend reinvestment). Also includes YieldMax Dividend Countdown Clock.

Next 5PM Backup

NOTE 2: Archived holdings and intraday trades data begins around June 21, 2024, and is updated/saved every weekday at 5PM EST. Additional Intraday Trades backup is made at 11:15PM EST, for rare cases when YieldMax is late in updating their trades. 5PM and 11PM backups do not overwrite each other – so if one was empty and the other had data, you will have both.

Why Did We Create This YieldMax Trades/Holdings Archive?

We created this archive because YieldMax didn’t!

While you can download daily trades between 4 PM and midnight from the YieldMax website as CSV files, those files are erased/reset at midnight, and you lose access to them.

Daily holdings CSV files also get updated without keeping a history of previous versions. Plus, the holdings files aren’t consolidated—you have to visit each fund’s page individually to download the files.

If you miss the midnight cut-off, the data is gone.

Occasionally, updates are delayed until very late in the day, forcing you to constantly check and download the CSV file to see if updates have occurred.

To solve this, we built an automated backup system that saves all funds’ holdings and intra-day trades at 5 PM. To account for any late updates, we also do a second backup of intra-day trades at 11:15 PM, ensuring we capture the most accurate data available.

This archive is easy to use!

This tool will let you download all available backups that we have, dating back to June 21, 2024.

If you by mistake selected a weekend export, you will automatically get preceding Friday’s backup/export.

Dates that are greyed out mean that we do not have the backup for that particular trades or holdings file.

Currently we have daily holdings for following YieldMax funds:

TSLY – TSLA Covered Call income ETF
NVDY – NVDA Covered Call income ETF
FBY – META Covered Call income ETF
SQY – SQ Covered Call income ETF
PYPY – PYPL Covered Call income ETF
AMDY – AMD Covered Call income ETF
AMZY – AMZN Covered Call income ETF
NFLY – NFLX Covered Call income ETF
MSFO – MSFT Covered Call income ETF
APLY – AAPL Covered Call income ETF
GOOY – GOOG Covered Call income ETF
JPMO – JPM Covered Call income ETF
DISO – DIS Covered Call income ETF
XOMO – XOM Covered Call income ETF
MRNY – MRNA Covered Call income ETF
AIYY – AI Covered Call income ETF
YBIT – BITO Covered Call income ETF
GDXY – GDX Covered Call income ETF
SNOY – SNOW Covered Call income ETF
ABNY – ABNB Covered Call income ETF
BABO – BABA Covered Call income ETF
TSNY – TSN Covered Call income ETF

YMAX – YieldMax Fund of Funds (all YM covered call funds)
YMAG – YieldMax MAG7 Fund of Funds (YM magnificent 7 funds)
ULTY – ULTRA Options income ETF
CRSH – Short TSLA income ETF
DIPS – Short DIPS income ETF
FIAT – Short FIAT income ETF
YQQQ – Short QQQ income ETF

We will be adding more YieldMax ETFs as they are released and begin trading.