Tidal Trust II MRNY | NASDAQ

$9.03 -$0.09 | -0.99%

After Hours
$9.53 $0.50 | 5.54%

Next Earnings: Sep 18, 2024

Company Overview:

Market Cap: $23.48M
PE Ratio:
52-Week Range: $8.39 - $26
Dividend Yield (FWD): 63.57% ($5.75)

0.9 Year Performance Metrics:

Total Return (with DRIP): -27.50% (-30.04% / yr)
Total Return (no DRIP): -10.79% (-11.91% / yr)
Share Price: -54.80%
Dividend Increase: 15.96%
MRNY 0.9-yr Total Return ($10,000 investment)
1Y 2Y 5Y 10Y All

MRNY Dividend Payments, Yield & Share Price charts

Dividend Payments & Yield
MRNY Dividend CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
Share Price
MRNY Price CAGR:1Y: -54.80%2Y: -32.77%5Y: -14.68%10Y: -7.63%

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MRNY Dividend Safety: Payout & Dividend to Free Cash Flow Ratios.

Dividend payout ration is Dividend/EPS, and indicates if company can afford to pay dividends from net income that it earned in the quarter.

Since EPS can be played with using different "accounting gymnastics", a better measure of dividends safety is Dividend to Free Cash Flow (FCF) ratio.

FCF is how much cash the company has earned each quarter, after paying all expenses not related to earnings.

Lower Ratio indicates SAFER Dividend! Ratios consistently close to, or over 100% are usually unsustainable and often indicate a dividend cut might be coming soon.

Dividend Payout Ratio - MRNY
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Dividend to Free Cash Flow Ratio - MRNY
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MRNY Earnings, Revenue, Cash & Debt, Shares Outstaning:

MRNY - EPS vs PE Ratio
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MRNY - FCF vs FCF / Share
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MRNY - EPS vs FCF / Share
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MRNY - FCF vs Stock Based Comp
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MRNY - Revenue vs Net Income
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MRNY - Cash & Debt
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MRNY - Revenue
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MRNY Revenue CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
MRNY - Earnings Per Share (EPS)
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MRNY - Net Income
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MRNY Net Income CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
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MRNY - Free Cash Flow
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MRNY Free Cash Flow CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
MRNY - Free Cash Flow / Share
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MRNY Free Cash Flow / Share CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
MRNY - Gross Profit
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MRNY Gross Profit CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
MRNY - Expenses
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MRNY CapEx CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
MRNY - Shares Outstanding
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MRNY Shares Outstanding CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
MRNY - Share Buybacks
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MRNY Share Buybacks CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
MRNY - Stock-Based Comp
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MRNY Stock-Based Comp CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
MRNY - Dividends
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MRNY Dividend CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A

Revenue, EPS, Net Income & Ebitda - Estimates VS Actual:

MRNY - REVENUE: Actual + Estimates
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MRNY Actual Revenue CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
MRNY - EPS: Actual + Estimates
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MRNY Actual EPS CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
MRNY - NET INCOME: Actual + Estimates
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MRNY Actual Net Income CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
MRNY - EBITDA: Actual + Estimates
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Ratios, Profit Margins & Return on Capital:

MRNY - Net Profit Margin
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MRNY Net Profit Margin CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
MRNY - Gross Profit Margin
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MRNY Gross Profit Margin CAGR:1Y: N/A2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
MRNY - Price to Earnings
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MRNY - Price To Sales Ratio
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MRNY - Return on Capital Employed
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MRNY - Return on Invested Capital
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MRNY Dividends Info:

Annual Dividend: $5.75
Forward Yield: 63.68%
Ex-Dividend Date: 2024-09-06
Lifetime Dividens / Share: $8.80

MRNY Dividend History: Dates, Payments & Yield list

Below is a schedule of all MRNY dividend payments, ex-dates, share price on the day of the payment as well as TTM & forward yield

Ex-Date Payment Date Amount TTM Yield Forward Yield Price on Ex-Date

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Projected Future Returns & Dividends for MRNY

Based on past 0.9-year performance, here are MRNY growth metrics:

Share price CAGR of +0%
Dividend CAGR of +0%
Using MRNY CAGR metrics, we can estimate, that your initial $10000 investment, over next 10 years ago, should grow with dividends being reinvested (DRIP) as follows:

Current Price$9.04
Start Shares1,106.19
Start Value$10,000
After 10 years:
Final Share Count8,720.97
Dividends Payment$0.48
Annual Dividends$16,706
Yield on cost167.06%
Share Price$9.04
Total Dividends$68,838
Final Value$78,838

Estimated Future Value + Dividends - MRNY

NOTE: Above numbers are our estimate based on MRNY's Dividend and Price CAGR over past 0.9 years. These numebrs should only be considered as "potential future returns"! These numbers assume DRIP (reinvesting dividends).

We cannot guarantee that your actual returns will meet these estimates.

Company Info

Tidal Trust II (MRNY) had its IPO on 2023-09-25, and is trader on NASDAQ stock exchange.

The fund advisor will employ the fund's investment strategy as the fund relates to MRNA regardless of whether there are periods of adverse market, economic, or other conditions and will take temporary defensive positions during such periods. The fund is non-diversified.

Website - not listed.

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