YieldMax AI Option Income Strategy ETF AIYY | NYSE

$4.79 -$0.16 | -3.23%

After Hours
$4.88 $0.09 | 1.88%

Next Earnings: Mar 31, 2025

Company Overview:

Market Cap: $85.30M
PE Ratio:
52-Week Range: $4.66 - $14.90
Dividend Yield (FWD): 87.42% ($4.19)

1.3 Year Performance Metrics:

Total Return (with DRIP): -44.95% (-36.82% / yr)
Total Return (no DRIP): -29.31% (-23.42% / yr)
Share Price: -76.24%
Dividend Increase: -76.12%
AIYY 1.3-yr Total Return ($10K invested)
1Y 2Y 5Y 10Y All

AIYY Dividend Payments, Yield & Share Price charts

Dividend Payments & Yield
AIYY Dividend CAGR:1Y: -19.88%2Y: N/A5Y: N/A10Y: N/A
Share Price
AIYY Price CAGR:1Y: -67.17%2Y: -51.26%5Y: -24.98%10Y: -13.39%

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AIYY Dividends Info:

Annual Dividend: $4.19
Forward Yield: 87.47%
Ex-Dividend Date: 2025-03-13
Lifetime Dividens / Share: $9.46

AIYY Dividend History: Dates, Payments & Yield list

Below is a schedule of all AIYY dividend payments, ex-dates, share price on the day of the payment as well as TTM & forward yield

Ex-Date Payment Date Amount TTM Yield Forward Yield Price on Ex-Date

Projected Future Returns & Dividends for AIYY

Based on past 1.3-year performance, here are AIYY growth metrics:

Share price CAGR of -13.39%
Dividend CAGR of -13.34%

Using AIYY CAGR metrics, we can estimate that your initial $10000 investment, over the next 10 years, should grow as follows:

Current Price$4.79$4.79
Start Shares2,087.682,087.68
Start Value$10,000$10,000
After 10 years:
Final Share Count28,362.922,087.68
Dividends Payment$0.08$0.08
Annual Dividends$8,727$642
Yield on cost87.27%6.42%
Share Price$1.31$1.31
Total Dividends$53,390$15,345
Final Value$37,269$18,088

Estimated Future Value + Dividends - AIYY

NOTE: Above numbers are our estimate based on AIYY's Dividend and Price CAGR over past 1.3 years. These numbers should only be considered as "potential future returns"! DRIP assumes reinvesting dividends; No-DRIP assumes collecting dividends as cash.

We cannot guarantee that your actual returns will meet these estimates.

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Company Info

YieldMax AI Option Income Strategy ETF (AIYY) had its IPO on 2023-11-28, and is trader on NYSE stock exchange.

AIYY aims to generate monthly income while providing exposure to the price returns of the C3 ai, Inc. stock (AI), subject to a cap on potential investment gains. The fund utilizes a synthetic covered call strategy via standardized exchange-traded and FLEX options, which consists of three elements: i) synthetic long exposure, ii) covered call writing, and iii) US Treasurys. The synthetic long exposure seeks to replicate the price movements of AI shares by purchasing and selling at-the-money call and put options that generally have six-month to one-year terms. To generate income, the fund writes call options with an expiration of one month or less and a strike price of approx. 5%-15% above AIs current share price. This limits the funds participation in potential gains if AI shares increase in value above the cap. Lastly, the fund holds cash and short-term Treasury securities as collateral. Note: the fund does not invest directly in C3 ai, Inc. stock. Thus, investors are not entitled to any AI dividends.

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