Fidelity High Dividend ETF FDVV | AMEX

$51.73 -$0.55 | -1.05%
Last Dividend: $0.48
Dividend Yield (FWD): 3.7%
Dividends Paid: Quarterly

10 Year Performance Metrics:

Total Return (with DRIP): 178.22%
Total Return (no DRIP): 146.06%
Share Price Increase: 105.69%
Dividend Increase: 79.40%
10 Year Dividend CAGR: 6.02%

This page is a BETA version and is for Refernece Only! ALL Numbers Below might be outdated or incorrect.

FDVV ETF holds shares in 93 companeis, as well as some treasuries, bonds, cash etc.

Based on combined dividends of ETF's holdings, and FDVV's float of 55,909,478 shares outstanding, we can estimate next dividend payment.

FDVV's next estimated dividend will be $0.425/share

The red line on the FDVV dividend graph represents the Dividend Yield on the day the dividend was paid, based on TTM (trailing twelve months) dividend payments, and FDVV share price on the dividend-payment date.

As you can see FDVV Dividend yield has hsitorically gone UP, compared to many other popular ETFs, such as VOO/SPY, etc - this means that FDVV dividend CAGR is historically higher than its share price CAGR.

And that is a GOOD THING, since your dividend grow faster than the share price. So each time you 'DRIP', you get more bang for your buck!

Dividend Payments & Yield
FDVV Dividend CAGR:1Y: 14.05%2Y: 60.91%5Y: 13.80%10Y: N/A
Share Price
FDVV Price CAGR:1Y: 19.22%2Y: 15.80%5Y: 9.28%10Y: 7.48%

FDVV Historic Dividend Payments & Yield list

Below is a schedule of all FDVV dividend payments, ex-dates, share price on the day of the payment as well as TTM & forward yield

Dividend DateDividend Amount TTM YieldForward YieldShare Price

FDVV Holdings, Market Value, Latest Share Price, Divdends & Forward Yield of each holding:

Table below shows latest stock holdings for FDVV, percentacge of each holding in Net Asset Value, latest price, dividend amount and forward yield of each company, as well as number of shares of each company, owned by the ETF.

Based on these numbers, you can see the contribution of each holding to the overall ETF's peformance and dividends. Keep in mind, that FDVV continually adjusts their holdings, with the inflows & outflows of capital into the ETF. Therefore that might be small discrepansies with latest numbers on the official ETF website.

Ticker Price Market Value FWD Yield Dividend Freq Pct (%) Shares
SDR $126.32 $0.28 B 0.00% $0.00 4 7.70% 2,185K
AAPL $245.55 $0.23 B 0.41% $0.25 4 6.46% 942K
MSFT $408.21 $0.19 B 0.81% $0.83 4 5.39% 473K
AVGO $218.66 $0.10 B 1.08% $0.59 4 2.78% 455K
TRGP $204.70 $0.09 B 1.47% $0.75 4 2.46% 431K
PM $151.57 $0.09 B 3.56% $1.35 4 2.53% 598K
PG $167.21 $0.08 B 2.41% $1.01 4 2.12% 454K
MO $55.05 $0.07 B 7.41% $1.02 4 1.87% 1,215K
GE $199.83 $0.07 B 0.72% $0.36 4 1.94% 348K
XOM $112.00 $0.07 B 3.54% $0.99 4 1.99% 636K
AEP $105.33 $0.06 B 3.53% $0.93 4 1.56% 531K
KMI $26.41 $0.06 B 4.35% $0.29 4 1.65% 2,237K
CVX $156.92 $0.06 B 4.36% $1.71 4 1.61% 367K
RTX $125.11 $0.06 B 2.01% $0.63 4 1.74% 500K
SO $87.82 $0.06 B 3.28% $0.72 4 1.56% 635K
NEE $71.58 $0.06 B 3.17% $0.57 4 1.61% 804K
SPG $186.71 $0.05 B 4.50% $2.10 4 1.35% 258K
EOG $133.08 $0.05 B 2.93% $0.98 4 1.33% 359K
ES $63.37 $0.05 B 4.75% $0.75 4 1.29% 727K
CSCO $63.98 $0.05 B 2.56% $0.41 4 1.31% 734K
IBM $261.48 $0.05 B 2.55% $1.67 4 1.37% 188K
UNP $247.65 $0.05 B 2.16% $1.34 4 1.32% 190K
HON $211.94 $0.05 B 2.13% $1.13 4 1.38% 232K
DUK $115.55 $0.05 B 3.62% $1.05 4 1.47% 457K
CAT $340.04 $0.05 B 1.66% $1.41 4 1.47% 155K
PEP $149.10 $0.05 B 3.64% $1.36 4 1.51% 363K
D $57.43 $0.05 B 4.65% $0.67 4 1.45% 902K
UPS $116.60 $0.04 B 5.63% $1.64 4 1.00% 308K
GLPI $49.12 $0.04 B 6.19% $0.76 4 0.99% 724K
JPM $264.24 $0.04 B 1.89% $1.25 4 1.24% 168K
PLD $120.90 $0.04 B 3.18% $0.96 4 1.07% 317K
ACI $20.55 $0.04 B 2.92% $0.15 4 1.23% 2,148K
DELL $117.60 $0.04 B 1.51% $0.45 4 1.03% 313K
PCAR $106.46 $0.04 B 1.24% $0.33 4 1.18% 396K
PSA $304.06 $0.04 B 3.95% $3.00 4 1.07% 126K
QCOM $173.70 $0.04 B 1.96% $0.85 4 1.18% 243K
TXN $203.96 $0.04 B 2.67% $1.36 4 1.20% 211K
LMT $440.72 $0.04 B 3.00% $3.30 4 1.24% 101K
COP $97.94 $0.04 B 3.19% $0.78 4 1.11% 406K
OHI $35.70 $0.04 B 7.51% $0.67 4 1.12% 1,127K
GS $625.60 $0.03 B 1.92% $3.00 4 0.71% 41K
WFC $78.63 $0.03 B 2.03% $0.40 4 0.79% 360K
GEV $327.88 $0.03 B 0.30% $0.25 4 0.80% 87K
BAC $44.81 $0.03 B 2.32% $0.26 4 0.72% 579K
V $350.49 $0.03 B 0.67% $0.59 4 0.95% 97K
JNJ $162.30 $0.03 B 3.06% $1.24 4 0.77% 171K
WPC $61.38 $0.03 B 5.73% $0.88 4 0.92% 537K
ABBV $202.08 $0.03 B 3.25% $1.64 4 0.81% 144K
HPQ $34.63 $0.03 B 3.34% $0.29 4 0.90% 935K
UNH $502.42 $0.03 B 1.67% $2.10 4 0.83% 59K
CCI $92.19 $0.03 B 6.79% $1.57 4 0.84% 326K
VICI $30.76 $0.03 B 5.62% $0.43 4 0.97% 1,129K
DVN $37.49 $0.03 B 2.56% $0.24 4 0.94% 901K
EIX $52.17 $0.03 B 6.34% $0.83 4 0.88% 603K
WY $29.97 $0.03 B 2.80% $0.21 4 0.86% 1,031K
C $79.65 $0.02 B 2.81% $0.56 4 0.59% 267K
CME $248.87 $0.02 B 2.01% $1.25 4 0.47% 67K
TFC $46.65 $0.02 B 4.46% $0.52 4 0.46% 353K
USB $46.76 $0.02 B 4.28% $0.50 4 0.43% 329K
CVS $63.48 $0.02 B 4.19% $0.67 4 0.42% 237K
PNC $191.89 $0.02 B 3.34% $1.60 4 0.49% 91K
B $47.48 $0.02 B 0.00% $0.00 N/A 0.43% 325K
BX $158.38 $0.02 B 3.64% $1.44 4 0.51% 115K
WBA $10.51 $0.02 B 9.51% $0.25 4 0.59% 2,002K
HD $385.30 $0.02 B 2.34% $2.25 4 0.49% 46K
BMY $55.83 $0.02 B 4.44% $0.62 4 0.57% 363K
GILD $109.95 $0.02 B 2.87% $0.79 4 0.69% 225K
MS $131.69 $0.02 B 2.81% $0.93 4 0.64% 174K
AMGN $303.01 $0.02 B 3.14% $2.38 4 0.52% 62K
PFE $25.90 $0.02 B 6.64% $0.43 4 0.52% 713K
FOXA $56.95 $0.01 B 1.90% $0.27 2 0.19% 116K
TKO $162.51 $0.01 B 0.00% $0.00 N/A 0.19% 43K
VZ $42.49 $0.01 B 6.38% $0.68 4 0.17% 146K
T $26.15 $0.01 B 4.24% $0.28 4 0.22% 304K
F $9.28 $0.01 B 12.93% $0.30 4 0.18% 708K
NKE $76.50 $0.01 B 2.09% $0.40 4 0.22% 103K
MAR $277.47 $0.01 B 0.91% $0.63 4 0.28% 36K
MCD $304.81 $0.01 B 2.32% $1.77 4 0.37% 43K
BBY $89.78 $0.01 B 4.19% $0.94 4 0.26% 103K
LOW $239.17 $0.01 B 1.92% $1.15 4 0.32% 48K
TJX $122.98 $0.01 B 1.22% $0.38 4 0.36% 105K
GM $46.29 $0.01 B 1.04% $0.12 4 0.29% 224K
DKS $224.64 $0.01 B 1.96% $1.10 4 0.31% 50K
SBUX $113.34 $0.01 B 2.15% $0.61 4 0.34% 108K
CMCSA $36.24 $0.00 B 3.64% $0.33 4 0.14% 136K
EA $130.95 $0.00 B 0.58% $0.19 4 0.11% 30K
NYT $48.03 $0.00 B 1.50% $0.18 4 0.10% 76K
NWSA $28.53 $0.00 B 1.40% $0.10 2 0.12% 153K
IPG $27.07 $0.00 B 4.88% $0.33 4 0.09% 114K
NXST $149.56 $0.00 B 4.97% $1.86 4 0.09% 21K
WMG $35.57 $0.00 B 2.02% $0.18 4 0.10% 99K
PARA $11.47 $0.00 B 1.74% $0.05 4 0.08% 254K
OMC $82.30 $0.00 B 3.40% $0.70 4 0.10% 43K