Compare two stocks side-by-side:


$599.94 -$10.44 | -1.71%
10-year Total Return: +242.6%
Dividend Yield (FWD): 1.29%

Schwab U.S. Dividend Equity ETF SCHD | NYSE

$28.21 -$0.11 | -0.39%
10-year Total Return: +189.5%
Dividend Yield (FWD): 3.74%

10-year Performance: Total Return (with DRIP), Diviendeds & Portfolio Value:

Initial Balance $10,000 $10,000
Initial Price $211.21 $13.52
Initial Shares 47.35 739.64
Total Dividends $2,913 $5,749
Last Dividend $1.966 $0.265
Estimated Divs $110 / quarter $271 / quarter
Yield-on-Cost 4.42% 10.82%
End Shares 56.16 (+8.81) 1022.85 (+283.21)
Last Shares Price $610.13 $28.3
Total End Value $34,264 $28,947
Total Return +242.6% +189.5%
Comparison start date: Feb 22, 2015

Total returns (with Dividends Reinvested) for SPY and SCHD

Graph below shows total portfolio value & total return percentage for each company. Total return is calculated with DRIP (dividends being reinvested on the payout date) to increase number of shares.

1Y 2Y 5Y 10Y All

Dividend Payments & Dividend Yield Curve

Below are our favorite charts: Historic Dividend Payments for SPY & SCHD, as well a Dividend Yield Curve over time.

Typically (but not always) dividend rising yield shows that you are getting better returns over time, and stock is getting cheaper!

A declining curve indicates that stock is getting more expensive relative to its dividend.

Dividend Payments & Yield - SPY
SPY Dividend CAGR:1Y: 3.12%2Y: 5.04%5Y: 4.60%10Y: 5.64%
Dividend Payments & Yield - SCHD
SCHD Dividend CAGR:1Y: 6.90%2Y: 6.21%5Y: 11.24%10Y: 11.18%

Dividend CAGR or Compound Annual Growth Rate shows the rate of dividend increases (per year) over 1, 2, 5 and 10 year periods. Higher is better!

* Unpaid dividends: dividends that have been announced, but have not been paid yet, are excluded from table, as calculating dividend yield is not possible without knowing future share price. See all dividends table below for all dividends.

Dividend Safety: Payout & Dividend to Free Cash Flow Ratios.

Dividend payout ration is Dividend/EPS, and indicates if company can afford to pay dividends from net income that it earned in the quarter.

Since EPS can be played with using different "accounting gymnastics", a better measure of dividends safety is Dividend to Free Cash Flow (FCF) ratio.

FCF is how much cash the company has earned each quarter, after paying all expenses not related to earnings.

Lower Ratio indicates SAFER Dividend! Ratios consistently close to, or over 100% are usually unsustainable and often indicate a dividend cut might be coming soon.

10-year price charts for SPY and SCHD.

Share Price - SPY
SPY Price CAGR:1Y: 22.71%2Y: 23.64%5Y: 12.84%10Y: 11.19%
Share Price - SCHD
SCHD Price CAGR:1Y: 9.86%2Y: 6.08%5Y: 7.84%10Y: 7.64%

Earnings, Revenue, Net Income, Dividends, Cash & Debt, Shares Outstaning, and other charts:

Dividends - SPY
SPY Dividend CAGR:1Y: 3.12%2Y: 5.04%5Y: 4.60%10Y: 5.64%
Dividends - SCHD
SCHD Dividend CAGR:1Y: 6.90%2Y: 6.21%5Y: 11.24%10Y: 11.18%

Projected Future Values & Dividends for SPY & SCHD

Based on past 10 years performance, SPY had share price CAGR of +11.19%, and dividend CAGR of +5.64%.

During same period SCHD had share price CAGR of +7.67%, and dividend CAGR of +11.18%.

Using these CAGR metrics, we can estimate, that your initial $10,000 investment from 10 years ago, with dividends being reinvested (DRIP) should grow and collect dividends as follows:

Start Value$10,000$10,000
Start Share Price$610.13$28.30
Start Shares16.39353.36
After 10 years:SPYSCHD
Final Share Count18.17543.98
Dividends Payment$3.40$0.76
Annual Dividends$247$1,661
Share Price$1,585.11$55.02
Total Dividends$1,773$8,043
Final Value$28,808$29,929

Estimated Future Returns - SPY
Estimated Future Returns - SCHD

Estimate Dividend Snowball and total future returns for SPY and SCHD with our dividend (DRIP) calculator.

Above numbers are merely projections based on Dividend and Price CAGR for each stock, and should only be considered as "potential future returns"! These numbers assume DRIP (reinvesting dividends).

We cannot guarantee that your actual returns will meet these metrics.

Company Info

SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY) had its IPO on 1993-01-29, and is trader on AMEX stock exchange.

About SPY:
The Trust seeks to achieve its investment objective by holding a portfolio of the common stocks that are included in the index (the “Portfolio”), with the weight of each stock in the Portfolio substantially corresponding to the weight of such stock in the index.

SPY website:


Company Info

Schwab U.S. Dividend Equity ETF (SCHD) had its IPO on 2011-10-20, and is trader on AMEX stock exchange.

About SCHD:
To pursue its goal, the fund generally invests in stocks that are included in the index. The index is designed to measure the performance of high dividend yielding stocks issued by U.S. companies that have a record of consistently paying dividends, selected for fundamental strength relative to their peers, based on financial ratios. The fund invests at least 90% of its net assets in these stocks.

SCHD website: not available
